Using Keywords to Improve SEO Rank for Lawyers

Written by Big Easy Lawyers
Last updated Jun 19, 2023
Using Keywords to Improve SEO Rank for Lawyers - Big Easy Lawyers

Lawyers seeking to expand their online presence and draw in more clients to their practice should consider using keywords to improve SEO positioning. Integrating relevant keywords throughout your website's content forms the foundation of a robust SEO strategy. As a result, lawyers can boost their likelihood of higher placement within search engine results pages (SERPs), thereby meeting the objective of driving more traffic to their website.

This article will examine keyword categories and their significance. It will then delve into the process of keyword research, which aids in identifying the keywords prospective clients utilize when seeking legal services. Knowing these relevant keywords allows lawyers to embed them into their website's content in a suitable and significant manner.

By deploying keywords strategically and judiciously, lawyers can optimize their website's content to increase their odds of attaining higher rankings on Google and other search engines.



Understanding Keywords for Lawyers

For law practices, keywords constitute a crucial element of search engine optimization (SEO). Thus, understanding keywords is vital for lawyers who aim to enhance their SEO ranking and attract more clients to their practice.


What are Keywords?

Before diving deeper, let's define keywords according to Yoast. Keywords are the words and phrases that individuals enter into search engines when seeking information. Within the realm of legal SEO, these terms are those people use when searching for legal services. Keywords can be divided into two groups: short-tail and long-tail.


Short-Tail Keywords

Short-tail keywords typically consist of one or two words and have high search volumes. Their range of scope often encompasses a diverse spectrum of topics.

Examples of short-tail keywords for lawyers might include:

    • “Lawyer”
    • “Legal services”
    • “Family law”

Although ranking using short-tail keywords can be challenging due to fierce competition, they can still offer an overall theme for your website's content and SEO strategy.


Short-Tail vs Long-Tail Keywords - Big Easy Lawyers


Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords usually comprise three or more words and contain more specific phrases. While they frequently have lower search volumes compared to short-tail keywords, they can bring more targeted traffic to your website. Many long-tail keywords concentrate on particular services, locations, or client concerns.

Examples of long-tail keywords for lawyers could include:

    • “Divorce lawyer in Boston”
    • “Intellectual property attorney near me”
    • “Affordable criminal defense lawyer in Chicago”
    • “Emergency lawyer available on weekends”

The less competitive nature of long-tail keywords compared to short-tail ones makes it easier to achieve a higher ranking in search results. By targeting these specific phrases, lawyers can connect with potential clients actively seeking the same services they provide.



Key Takeaway: Both short-tail and long-tail keywords can be effective. However, targeting long-tail keywords and phrases might be more beneficial to your practice due to the reduced competition.


Why are Keywords Important for Lawyers?

Keywords hold significance for lawyers as they serve as a medium through which people locate information about their legal practice online. By incorporating the right keywords in their website content and other online materials, lawyers can enhance their SEO ranking, making it easier for potential clients to discover them.

Moreover, using target-specific keywords related to the services provided can help lawyers attract not only potential clients but also those specifically interested in the provided services.

However, lawyers need to use keywords in a natural, organic way. Overusing keywords or employing them in a forced way can harm a practice's SEO rank. Lawyers should focus on creating high-quality, informative content that naturally integrates keywords.


Keyword Research for Lawyers

Keyword research is vital to craft a successful SEO strategy for legal practices. It involves identifying suitable keywords that prospective clients use when seeking legal services, allowing you to optimize your website's content and increase your chances of achieving higher rankings on SERPs.



How to Conduct Keyword Research for Lawyers

Conducting keyword research for lawyers involves several steps:

    • Brainstorm: Begin by brainstorming a list of keywords that you believe your potential clients might use when seeking legal services. Consider the services you offer, your practice's location, and the needs of your target audience.
    • Keyword Tools: Numerous keyword research tools are available. Use these tools to help you find the best search terms that target prospective clients for your legal practice.
    • Competitor Keywords: Evaluate your competitors' keywords on their websites and content. This can offer insight into what keywords are performing well in the legal industry and assist in identifying any gaps in your keyword strategy.
    • Refine Your List: Once you have a list of potential keywords, refine it by considering search volume, competition, and relevance. Select keywords with low competition, high search volume, plus relevance to your legal practice.

Tools for Keyword Research

Several keyword research tools are available to assist lawyers.

Here are a few popular options:

    • Google Keyword Planner: Google provides a free tool that lets you find keywords related to your legal practice and see how frequently they are searched on Google.
    • SEMrush: A paid tool that offers keyword research, competitor analysis, and other SEO insights.
    • Ahrefs: Another paid tool that provides keyword research, competitor analysis, and backlink analysis.
    • Ubersuggest: A free tool that offers keyword ideas, search volume, and competition data. 

Using these tools can facilitate identifying the right keywords for your legal practice, thereby improving your chances of achieving higher rankings on SERPs.


Optimizing Website Content

Optimizing both on-site and off-site website content is critical for legal practices aiming to improve search engine ranking and visibility. This section will focus on sub-topics such as title tags and meta descriptions, incorporating keyword content, link building, citations, and local SEO.


Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

One of the most crucial on-site SEO factors for lawyers involves optimizing title tags and meta descriptions. Title tags are the clickable headlines visible to users in SERPs, while meta descriptions are the brief descriptions that appear below the title tag.

When optimizing title tags and meta descriptions, lawyers should focus on including their primary keywords. These tags should be concise and descriptive, as they are potential clients' initial impressions of the law practice in search results.

Incorporating Keywords into Content

Another element of using keywords to improve SEO rank for lawyers involves embedding them into website content. This includes blog posts, service pages, and other website pages.

When incorporating keywords into content, the key is to use them naturally to prevent “keyword stuffing,” which can generate penalties from search engines. Lawyers should focus on creating high-quality, informative content that includes their primary keywords in a natural manner.

An effective way to incorporate keywords into content is by using subheadings. By employing H2 and H3 tags to organize content, lawyers can signal to search engines which topics hold the most importance on the page.



Key Takeaway:Improve your ON-SITE SEO with superior-quality keyword content placed strategically and naturally in title tags, meta descriptions, blog posts, website pages, and subheadings.


Link Building with Keywords

Link building is a crucial off-site SEO strategy involving other websites linking back to your website. These backlinks not only drive traffic to your website but also helps to build trust in your website, which ultimately enhances your search engine ranking.

To deploy link building with keywords, you need to:

    • Identify high-authority websites in your niche
    • Create high-quality content that includes relevant keywords
    • Reach out to these websites and request them to link to your content


Citations involve listing your business information on online directories like YelpGoogle My Business, and other industry-specific directories like Big Easy Lawyers. These directories provide potential clients with information about your law practice while boosting your website's visibility on search engines.

To use citations effectively, you need to:

    • Ensure your business information is accurate and consistent across all directories
    • Incorporate pertinent keywords in your business description and category
    • Urge your clients to provide positive reviews on these directories

Local SEO

Local SEO focuses on improving your website's visibility for local search inquiries, such as “lawyer near me” or “best lawyer in [city].”

To deploy local SEO effectively, you need to:

    • Add your city and state to your website's title tags and meta descriptions
    • Create location-specific landing pages that include relevant keywords
    • Get listed on local directories, such as local chambers of commerce and business associations



Key Takeaway:Enhance your OFF-SITE SEO with the use of relevant keywords in your website's content, in addition to link building, listing your practice on various directories, and utilizing geo-targeted details to improve local SEO.


Monitoring and Adapting Keyword Strategies for Lawyers

After implementing keyword strategies, lawyers must monitor and adapt their approach to ensure they produce the desired results. This involves keeping a close eye on keyword performance, refreshing and updating content as needed, and making necessary changes to stay competitive in the SEO field.

This section will cover two essential components of monitoring and adapting keyword strategies: tracking keyword rankings and analyzing and modifying strategy.


Tracking Keyword Rankings

Tracking keyword rankings is essential for lawyers to understand their website performance within SERPs.

Various tools are available to track keyword rankings, including Google Search Console and SEMrush. These tools provide lawyers with valuable data on their website's performance, including the number of clicks, impressions, and click-through rates (CTR) for each keyword.

Analyzing and Modifying Strategies

After tracking keyword rankings, lawyers can determine which keywords are producing website traffic and which need improvement. They can then adjust their keyword strategies accordingly to enhance their website's ranking in SERPs.

Lawyers should optimize their website for keywords relevant to their law practice and have high search volumes. They should also ensure their website includes location-specific keywords to optimize it for local search.

Lawyers should consider adjusting their strategies if specific keywords are not performing well. This adjustment may involve optimizing their website's content, building backlinks, or targeting different keywords altogether.


Monitoring and adapting keyword strategies is essential for lawyers to improve their website's ranking in SERPs. By tracking keyword rankings and analyzing and modifying their strategies, lawyers can ensure their website is optimized for search engines, thereby attracting more traffic to their practice.




Using keywords to improve SEO rank is essential for law practices seeking to increase their visibility online. By conducting comprehensive keyword research, lawyers can connect with the phrases and terms prospective clients use when searching for legal services.

Once appropriate keywords have been identified, it's crucial to maintain an optimal keyword density within all elements of your website content. The incorporation of keywords should feel natural and not forced.

High-quality and user-friendly content, paired with strategic keyword usage, can lead to higher rankings on search engine results pages, ultimately drawing more clients to a law practice.


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