Searching the Big Easy Lawyers Directory

Written by Big Easy Lawyers
Last updated Jun 7, 2023
Searching the Big Easy Lawyers Directory

Today, we will guide you through how searching the Big Easy Lawyers Directory is an easy way to find a lawyer near you. Accessing the directory is entirely free for users, and we will demonstrate the various ways you can search for a lawyer using this online resource.




A Guide to Searching the Big Easy Lawyers Directory


Homepage Search Bar – Name Search

Upon visiting the website, you'll notice the main search bar on the homepage is broken into two fields. This division allows you to search by a specific lawyer's name if you have one in mind or by a particular city to locate the closest lawyer to you.

We will use a fictitious lawyer, Jack Smith, as an example. After typing the name and clicking on ‘search,' the results will appear where Jack Smith (our featured lawyer) is at the top. The map on the right will also highlight Jack Smith's location.

You can access Jack Smith's complete profile by clicking on his name, which includes all his details.


Homepage Search Bar – City Search

Now, let's return to the homepage and demonstrate a city-based search. Click on the city field, type in the city name, and select it from the autofill suggestions. Once you click ‘search,' the results will display our featured lawyer, Jack Smith, at the top, along with a map to help you find his location or another nearby dentist.


Top Big Easy Lawyers List

Back on the homepage, you can also choose a lawyer from a list of Top Big Easy Lawyers. Use the side arrows to navigate the list and click on a lawyer to view their profile.


Legal Specialization

As you continue scrolling, you will find options to search for lawyers by legal specialization. These results will show lawyers who focus on your selected area of law, and the map on the right can help you locate them more easily.


Recently Searched Big Easy Cities

Lastly, by scrolling further down the homepage, you can search a specific metro area using the Recently Searched Big Easy Cities feature if you reside in one of those areas.


We hope this video tutorial proves helpful. Thank you for searching the Big Easy Lawyers Directory, and have a fantastic day!


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